About Us

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Welcome to Chimera Crato Enterprises

A team of specialized engineers in the field of Sensors, Industrial, Process & Factory Automations, Solar Systems and customized machine solutions to provide quality and affordable solutions with value added services.

Worldwide customer includes Industries like Power, Chemical, Oil and Gas, Refineries, Petrochemical, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Metal, Minerals, Water and Waste Water, Food and Beverage, Pharma Etc.,


Provide Skills Services


Urgent Support For Clients




Quick Innovative Solutions

Quick Solutions is able to deliver extensive assessments, and flawless execution for its clients, globally.


Super Flexible Pricing

Flexible pricing is a product's final price is open for negotiation. customers and sellers can get together and try to alter the price,


Fast & Flexible Support

Our experts is here to help you! We offer fast and flexible support to ensure you get the most from our services.

Worldwide customer includes Industries like Power, Chemical, Oil and Gas, Refineries, Petrochemical, Food and Beverage, Pharma Etc.,

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